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How has the office of the presidency evolved since its inception more than two centuries ago?
Watch Professor Kennedy as he explores the parallel evolutionary pathways of the presidency as an institution and the character of American society, with special emphasis on the role of the media amidst that increasingly vexed relationship.
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David Kennedy, ’63, is the Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, emeritus, and founding director of The Bill Lane Center for the American West. For more than four decades he has taught 20th-century U.S. history, American political and social thought, American literature, and the comparative development of democracy.
Video: Challenges Facing Democracy in the U.S. (76 min)
Ran Abramitzky, Larry Diamond, ’73, MA ’78, PhD ’80, Margaret Levi, and Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, MA ’96, PhD ’00
Online Course: Election 2020: A Panoramic View of America’s Decisive Election
Professors James Steyer, ’78, JD ’83, and Pamela Karlan
This event is presented by the Stanford Alumni Association.