Across a breadth of industries and using a variety of techniques, many of
this year's MS&E senior projects aimed to create social impact.
Students drew on their coursework—including mathematical modeling, systems analysis, organization theory, optimization, probability, statistics, ethics, computer science, and economics—to inform their work on the projects. Teams of three to four students acted as consultants to their sponsor organizations, tackling real-world problems in real time over 10 weeks.
Examples of the social impact generated through this year’s projects include a framework to calculate
social return on investment—not just financial returns—and an exercise to quantify the economic and environmental impact of creating
climate-friendly websites. Sponsor organizations ranged from startups like Prophet to established firms like the WNBA to nonprofits like Strong Girls United that serve to impact the community at large.
Are you an alum whose organization might sponsor a project for next year’s seniors? Ideas are collected throughout summer and fall, and selected by the students around November. Email professor
Riitta Katila to discuss sponsorship opportunities.