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Management Science and Engineering
June 2024 Newsletter
The latest in MS&E
Learn about MS&E research conducted during the second half of the academic year. Below, you’ll get to explore this year’s senior projects, as well as recent research efforts in AI & technology, environmental work, and more.
In this issue - research & impact:
 • Senior projects
 • A new research center
 • Research for social good and more

Explore articles, videos, and more in this issue of the MS&E Newsletter.
Our lead story: MS&E senior projects
portrait photos of faculty, students, and alums
The Prophet team (left to right): Remy Wu, Leeah Michael, Mandy Alevra, Jawad Jafar. | Image submitted by the students
Across a breadth of industries and using a variety of techniques, many of this year's MS&E senior projects aimed to create social impact.

Students drew on their coursework—including mathematical modeling, systems analysis, organization theory, optimization, probability, statistics, ethics, computer science, and economics—to inform their work on the projects. Teams of three to four students acted as consultants to their sponsor organizations, tackling real-world problems in real time over 10 weeks.

Examples of the social impact generated through this year’s projects include a framework to calculate social return on investment—not just financial returns—and an exercise to quantify the economic and environmental impact of creating climate-friendly websites. Sponsor organizations ranged from startups like Prophet to established firms like the WNBA to nonprofits like Strong Girls United that serve to impact the community at large.

Are you an alum whose organization might sponsor a project for next year’s seniors? Ideas are collected throughout summer and fall, and selected by the students around November. Email professor Riitta Katila to discuss sponsorship opportunities.
professor Amin Saberi speaks at the inauguration event for the center for computational market design
Symposium inaugurates Center for Computational Market Design
The new research center brings interdisciplinary expertise to bear to create and improve markets. The center is co-directed by professors Amin Saberi and Itai Ashlagi, and includes faculty from across Stanford.
portrait photos of faculty, students, and alums
Sanjeev Bode (left) speaks at a career event for MS&E students. | Image by Trudy Gonzalez
Many thanks to alums Monica Shen Knotts and Cami Katz, as well as Sanjeev Bode from Infosys, for hosting events for our students during spring quarter! They discussed the value of mentorship, business communications, and how to thrive as you start a new job or internship.

Want to share your expertise and meet the next generation of MS&E grads? Contact Lindsey Akin, MS&E's Career Services Officer.
portrait photos of faculty, students, and alums
Alex Chohlas-Wood (PhD '22) speaks at a Stanford Impact Labs event. | Image by Christine Baker
Research for social good
portrait photos of faculty, students, and alums
VR headsets can create feelings of social isolation and other side effects. | Image courtesy of the Virtual Human Interaction Lab
AI & technology
  • Research from professor Riitta Katila, PhD student Philipp Reineke, and alum Jason Rathje (PhD '19) shows how strategy researchers can use machine learning in regression analysis. Watch the video abstract, and read the full paper here (may require a subscription).

  • Researchers including professor Ramesh Johari and alum Hannah Li (PhD '22) are pioneering experimentation methods to keep up with technology and solve real-world challenges.

  • A multinational Deliberative Poll unveiled the global public's nuanced views on AI chatbots and their integration into society, using technology developed by professor Ashish Goel and his research team.

  • A study coauthored by master's student Portia Wang finds that virtual reality headsets merging the external world with digital content via passthrough video technology can offer amazing experiences; however, visual distortions, feelings of social absence, and motion sickness can undercut the benefits.

  • Alum Eric Horvitz (PhD '90) gave presentations on cyber-physical resilience and how to combat deepfakes (LinkedIn login required).

  • Alum Christos Makridis (PhD '18) discusses the difficulties of defining "secure by design."

  • The Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders speaker series—hosted by the Stanford Engineering Entrepreneurship Center (STVP) in MS&E—brought Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, to campus. A crowd of over 1,000 clamored to hear his talk.
portrait photos of faculty, students, and alums
Researchers are studying the benefits vs environmental impacts of hydropower in Africa. | Image by Belinda Pretorius, iStock
Energy & environment
Innovation & entrepreneurship
  • On the Hidden Brain podcast, professor emeritus Bob Sutton discusses how to move past "innovation theater" and actually get things done, drawing on his research with alum Rebecca Hinds (PhD '22) and GSB professor Hayagreeva Rao.

  • Work by master's students Natalie Milan and Faith Zehfuss was featured in an article about global migration research. Longtime readers might remember this project from our February 2024 Newsletter.
Management Science and Engineering
Stanford School of Engineering
475 Via Ortega MC 4026
Stanford, California 94305
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